Famous Chinese Drama in Netflix_Nothing But Thirty 三十而已 (Sān Shí Ér Yǐ)

Photo Credit:電視劇三十而已@微博

劇情提要|剧情提要(Jùqíng tíyào) Outline

The drama series follows the story of three vastly different urban women who have reached their thirties while facing challenges, crises, and perplexities at a crucial stage in their lives, as they leave behind their youthful, carefree 20s to embrace the “adult” life of a 30-year-old.

When reaching at 30, it seems that everyone hastes to buy a house, get married, or have children. This is the so-called backup path in case somebody asks you what you achieved.

People may feel frustrated at especially 30, but, in fact, everyone feels frustrated at any age. Everyone confronts their different challenges at different phases of ages.

The age, 30, can not define your speed of running your lives, and there is no specific age number to make yourself stop or take a rest.

The drama background is filmed in Shanghai(上海)

主角(Zhǔjiǎo) Main Character

Three leading actress, with different personal backgrounds and different living environments, represent different social classes and social groups of women.

1. Wang Manni (王漫妮), a senior sales person at Mishil. Single status. Wang Manni is an agressive and proactive, and is confident of her performances in both her workplace and at home

Wang Manni (王漫妮) source:https://www.sohu.com/a/410840350_100092052

2. Gu Jia (顧佳|顾佳), wife of Xu Huanshan(許幻山). She is intelligent and determined housewife. Married with one boy child. Gu Jia has strong wills, and she is both a housewife and a businesswoman. She helped her husband’s business of a fireworks company, and meanwhile running the business of tea plantation.

3. Zhong Xiaoqin (鍾曉芹|钟晓芹), an employee at a property management company. Married without kids yet. Zhong Xiaoqin is content with her average life, with a normal job and a husband who likes fish.

劇情| 剧情 (Jùqíng) Plot

Each actress has their own features and principles of life. For example, Zhong Xiaoqin (鍾曉芹|钟晓芹) in the drama said “we are just 30 years old, not reaching the half of life. Why not try to do something big ?” When people just got divorced, the male party who is much younger try to get close to you. What would Zhong Xiaoqin respond to?

Wang Manni (王漫妮)said, compared to the fact that the rent is rising continuously, I am more afraid that I keep moving houses, not able to settle down in this city.

Shanghai is full of dreams and allures. You can stand in the train station or the lobby of the airport, seeing how many people move in or out. Many graduates want to work here and many part-time workers try to settle down here. The cup will spills out when the water is filled, and therefore have to explore deeply and stablize here. In doing so, we must gain weight and not be spelled out.

However, their lives are suddenly disrupted by external factors. Gu Jia begins to suspect her husband Xu Huanshan of having a young mistress, Wang Manni faces difficulties with career issues and the love relationship with the man who keeps lying to her, and Zhong Xiaoqin’s idea of a perfect marriage is destroyed.

Probably, everyone is given fair chances at 30. Some people grasp it well and get themselves ready to the success path; some people still do not get it, sliding to downfall. This relates to aspects of work, emotion, lives, and so on.

When we reach 40, we probably think that anything happening at 30 is just a tiny thing in life.

What’s your ideal life when turning to 30?

This drama vividly illustrates how the three women will deal with the challenges of turning to thirty. Honestly speaking, this would not be happy ending for everyone’s expectations.

What they taught us is that when confronting with difficulties, they never escape but to face them directly. With the sufficient courage to face difficulties, it makes you go further.

Tea trees are just like people. In the middle age, trees are needed to be tweaked or revised. People’s lives are like this, and it turns out to be better with slight adjustment.

Drama EP1 in Youtube

There is another podcaster who analyzed the storyline but in Mandarin. Let’s check out!


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